


By Clara Femia


Happy fall! Carolina Woman is excited to welcome back cooler temps...and better yet, this season's coolest apparel. We have the latest styles for all things Triangle, from the newest office-wear to flexible outfits for taking hay rides and visiting pumpkin patches.


Renaissance revival

The big statement this year is a throwback...way, way back. Although it may look complicated, this trend is actually simple and quick for the busy Triangle woman.


Any version of a white button-down with a few extra flounces around the chest and sleeves is the perfect period top. For the bottom, a carpet-like patterned skirt or pants will make for a painless, reliable go-to. To keep the focus on the pattern itself, you'll want to keep the styles of these busy bottoms plain and neat.


This flowy top and pressed pant combo doesn't need fancy accessories to be office-ready, but you can always pump up the look (literally) with a pair of sharp heels.



Suits and sweatsuits

For most on-the-go Triangle women, the transition from a daytime flurry to a night out has to be a quick one. This fall has styles to make it as stress-free as possible.


Think you can't wear a sweatsuit to dinner? Add hoop earrings and a pair of heels to the high-end track suits and sweat dress you see here, and you're good to go. If you're switching from business to casual, trade your button-down for a plain white T-shirt so you can be both cute and comfortable.


We recommend keeping colors to neutral whites, grays and navy blues to ensure flexibility in your wardrobe. However, just about any combination of athletic-wear and business casual works wonders for the many roles Triangle women play throughout the day.



Color connection

Yellow matched with pink or orange reminds us of summer – but not this time! To switch these warmer shades into hues appropriate for autumn, try a paler pink with a mustard yellow or deep orange. Be sure to layer, making your pinks or oranges most prominent.


You'll never need to worry about which colors work together if you're racing the clock. Just grab your favorite yellow top and a pink or orange sweater with neutral slacks and off you go!




Super sleeves

We adore the way this trend of extra-long sleeves is showing up in all the different ensembles you'll need this fall from work to play. It adds not only a little extra to a blouse for work, but also to that velvet dress you'll wear out to lunch on Saturday. The wide, almost bell-bottom style helps lengthen your arms and slim your torso.


Extra-long sleeves work in every color, every fabric, and for every event. They're both offhand and elegant, offering a range of opportunities for jazzing up your day.



Nouveau neckwear

High-necked shirts and dresses have been in, but this season they get a new kick. In Triangle shops, you'll see high-collared button-downs with big bows tied around the neck and dresses for a night out with an extra button to draw attention upward.


The beauty of this style is that it's an effortless do-it-yourself if there's no time for a shopping trip. Just add a kerchief or scarf to your favorite top and you're set.



Perfect plaids

Plaid is a classic, but it can be tricky to execute. This season, you'll want to do it in shades of gray, as well as blazer and mini-skirt sets. Think sleek business attire that's also workable for drinks with your significant other.


Don't forget that plaid can rock your weekend, too. Swap the blouse and blazer for a strappy top with your suit skirt, and you're ready to hit the town.




Sophisticated schoolgirl

Jumpers are back and better than ever. This look is the perfect way to incorporate all the other styles out right now; a soft-pink jumper over a mustard-yellow tunic will pull in this year's prominent color combo. Make that shirt a high-collared one with a bow, and voila – three styles at once.


Use the schoolgirl trend to experiment with your fresh wardrobe, and be ready for all that life has to throw at you this fall.



Fabulous fabric

V is for...velvet! We love a fabric that feels good, so we're super excited that velvet is here to stay in 2016. You'll want to wear it in dresses or jackets (those velour sweatpants haven't made a comeback quite yet).


Like much of what's popular this year, a velvet dress can be worn day and night: to work with a pair of dress shoes, at home with flats, and out at night with heels.


Try it in burnt orange, our favorite pumpkin pigment. Deep reds and yellows are also in, and they'll complement the velvet.


Photos courtesy Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week